bbl after 10 years pictures

Maintaining Your BBL: 6 Ways to Make It Last 10 Years

What are the results of a BBL after 10 years, and how can you optimize its long-lasting effects? Yes, it can be done and we’ve helped patients do it before. Numerous patients like you have come through our doors and achieved lasting dream curves with our cutting-edge techniques and personalized approach. While receiving life-altering results…

liposuction scars

Do Liposuction Scars Remain and How to Minimize Them?

Most people find that the benefits of liposuction outweigh concerns about scarring, but it’s important to discuss this with your surgeon before the procedure, as scars will be permanent. Increasingly, people are opting for scar revision surgery to improve the appearance of their scars. Is it possible to avoid or minimize scars? Keep reading to…